Tak semua yang kita nak kita akan dapat dan tak semua yang kita ada akan kekal sampai bila-bila.


Hafiza Ahmad,20. But thanks to my gene everyone think im younger. lol? or maybe because i don't wear make up often or because of my figure or nahh . Start blogging since im 9 or 10. yes guys, i oso terkezut. i hit puberty so early huh. Guess when it comes to socm only. Then i stop blogging in 2013 because i had to stay in hostel for years. And i start writing back when i finished my stpm. gee,study is that important right. at least to me. 

During my free time, I would listen to music and immerse myself in the melody. I’m listening to music while ignoring the rest of the world guys. Sounds melancholic ? haha. No music no life for me. I listen to every type of music,every genre. Kpop? i listen to em too! and i love R&B genre most. can't help either. romantic me.

I also a homebody. I don't know. I just love my bed so much. I never want to leave my bed unless i want to eat. don't judge ! Laying in my bed while watching tv shows and kdramas. good feeling. i guess i can do all of this when i have a free time only.

Oh by the way, I recreate this blog so I can sharing my ridiculous life updates and everything that related to me. thankyou for reading. TMI TMI hahahaha.

Hafiza Ahmad